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What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long Tail Keywords on SEO Long-tail keywords are a type of keyword that is more specific and usually longer than a regular keyword. For example, a common keyword could be “shoes” while a long-tail keyword could be “women’s size 7 red high heels.” While long-tail keywords may get less traffic than regular keywords, they usually have a higher conversion rate because they are more specific. That means that if someone…
February 5, 2024

Website Footer: What to Include & Things to Avoid

This shows the website footer suggestions. The website footer is one of the most important elements of your site. It’s the last thing visitors see before they leave, so you want to make sure it’s well-designed and relevant. A footer should be clean and simple, with clear and easy-to-use navigation. You also want to make sure you’re including all the important elements, like your contact information, social media links, and…
February 5, 2024

How To Improve the Product Page?

Guide to Success, Business Growth - E-commerce In order to improve the product page, there are various important elements to take into consideration. First and foremost, the headline is key – it needs to be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing in order to make people want to read on. After the headline, it’s important to have high-quality, informative product descriptions which accurately reflect what the product is and does. It’s also…
February 5, 2024